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Media Relations - What people are saying...
Gil Robertson is an outstanding publicist and public relations person. His knowledge of the entertainment business, its people and his relentless pursuit for perfection makes him an invaluable asset to anyone seeking a public relations executive.
-Kenneth Crear, The Firm

Gil Robertson impressed me from our first phone conversation. He opened previously closed doors with the force of a seasoned expert in the field of media. The brother has pressed hard on the buttons of the gatekeepers on my behalf with much success and has become a trusted comrade for my business moves of the future. I strongly recommend his hard work, and I strongly support his style of tactful persistence and consistency.
-New York Times Best Selling Author, Omar Tyree

Writing As A Tool of Empowerment can help every writer at all stages of their development. It offers some important tips from other writers who have picked up a few tricks along the way. For beginning writers the book is a must, because it helps you get over the fear of staring at a blank sheet of paper, or a blank computer screen. The tips in this book help writers to write with confidence by finding their own voice.
Ray Metoyer, President - National Association of Black Journalists - Atlanta

Writing As A Tool is a book every wanna-be journalist should read for inspiration while breaking into the biz. It answers every question (re: query letters, internships, etc.) and gives a handful of sound advice from people who've made it. If you're strapped for cash and time, skip j-school and play by this book.
- Jessica Koslow, Kroniq Magazine

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